Tuesday, December 15, 2009

CF 2009 Industry Seminar

Following on the success of the Portfolio Review Pavilion, Comic Fiesta 2009 is proud to present a new event for the year: Comic Fiesta Industry Seminar! It will be half-day long (on Day 2) and will have speakers from the creative industry taking the stage to share their views and experiences.
The theme of the Industry Seminar is: Bridging the Creatives (last year’s event theme). As the local, as well as the global, creative industry and talent pool grows larger and larger, the seminar is something that will certainly help with educating the market on trends, performances, and forecasts of the creative industry.
Entry for this event is free!
Speakers and Topics Include:
Stanley Lau, Co-Founder & Creative Director (Imaginary Friends Studio)

Be A Digital Artist with Style
This session is open for those who would like to understand more about the digital art industry in general and what it takes to be a successful digital artist. Points of discussion include the challenges, opportunities as well as the myths of being a digital artist. Main factors of focus are learning how one can create a style for their art and make it commercially relevant and valuable to the industry.
Short Bio
As Co-founder and Creative Director, Artgerm plays a vital role in both the operational and creative aspects of the business. He often finds himself dividing his time between creating great art, overseeing projects and meeting up with current or potential clients. Formally trained in visual communication and advertising, he is experienced and highly-capable in a wide range of creative skills; from digital painting, graphic design to digital imaging. Artgerm’s works have garnered much attention and a huge following of fans from around the world, and his art can be found in many publications such as Spectrum, Expose, ImaginaryFX, Corel Painter and Fusion Junction.
Dinjer, Persatuan Penggiat Komik Malaysia (PeKOMIK)
Where The Industry Is Today
The comics industry in Malaysia is relatively young compared to places like US, Europe and Japan. Where are we now and how did we arrive at this point. A deep insight as to how it all began with Gila-Gila, moved to Lat, thrived with Gempak, and now pushes boundaries with Upin & Ipin. Is Malaysia world-class? Find out!
Short Bio
PeKOMIK is a non- governmental association, newly formed in 2007. One of the objectives of the formation of PeKOMIK is to put closer ties between comic artists, comic writers, the publishers and readers in Malaysia. The inspiration of this association comes from the idea of the Azharmaa and some friends from ex-Urban Militia. The idea was put forward through unofficial meetings as well as in the Pergh.com forum.
(More to come!)